Saturday, July 30, 2011

How to Recover Deleted Photos

Deleted Files in the Data Storage Device

We generally have a thinking that once the photos or any other data is deleted from their respective folders and also from the recycle bin, it is completely deleted. There are many ways in which files get deleted; such as accidental deletion of the files, accidental formatting of the memory stick, the memory card goes corrupt or unreadable, or similar other reasons. No matter how the photos are deleted from the computer's hard drive or the camera's memory stick, surprisingly, the files are still there, unless they are not overwritten by new data.

When photos or any type of data accidentally gets deleted from the memory stick or the hard drive, the space on which the data was stored is not wiped off completely. That space is tagged as 'available' for other replacement data to get stored in its place. When the system finds such space, it overwrites and store other data on it. At this point of time, the computer will not recognize the deleted data, though it is kind of stored in the data storage device. If new data overwrites the deleted data space, then unfortunately your data is in no way recoverable. Read more on laptop data recovery.

How to Recover Deleted Photos from Memory Card?

If you have accidentally deleted photos from the memory card of your digital camera and want to recover them, make sure you do not use the memory card further for storing any more pictures. Remove it from the camera or camera phone, and keep it in a secure place for data recovery. You will need a file recovery software for getting back your image files. You can download free or trial versions of such applications from the Internet, or purchase them from the computer shop.

Install one such software on your desktop or notebook computer by following the setup instructions. For starting the data recovery procedure, you will have to use a memory card reader. Insert the memory stick into the card reader and connect the card reader to the PC. If you are using a laptop computer which has a card reader, you can directly insert the card into the slot. Run the data recovery application and follow the guidelines for finding the data. Read more on types of card readers.

Typical steps of using the data recovery software includes opening the software's interface, locating the card reader and the memory card in it, setting the destination folder where the recovered files are to be stored, and giving the 'recover' command. This is all you have to do to recover deleted photos and other data. If you are thinking how to recover deleted photos from computer hard drives, the same procedure is to be used, but by locating the disk drive where the photos were deleted from.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

How to Change Eye Color in Photoshop

How to Change Eye Color in Photoshop
Change Eye color in photoshop
  1. To change eye color in pictures using photoshop, open the software, select the picture and zoom in to the eye.
  2. From the PS toolbar, select the Ellipse tool. Point the cursor at the center of the eye while holding down ALT + SHIFT keys and drag to select the eye.
  3. From the PS toolbar, select Quick Mask Mode. This will change the entire picture and add a temporary background color isolating the eye which was selected.
  4. Now select the Brush tool and choose a "soft brush" option of Soft Round 3 pixel. Read how to use airbrushing in photoshop.
  5. With the Soft Brush tool, brush the missing eyelid to match the natural looking eyes.
  6. Zoom in and match the correct arc of the eyelid.
  7. Go back to the Quick Mask Mode and click on it. This will bring back the original picture while keeping the eye selected.
  8. Create a new layer from the window on the bottom right corner and click on the Color Picker option.
  9. Choose the color that you like and press OK.
  10. In the new layer, fill the selected color from the PS toolbar. This will fill your selected color covering the selected area.
  11. From the menu bar, click on select and choose inverse option.
  12. Again go to select option and choose Modify > Feather. This will open the Feather Selection box where you will opt for 5 pixels and click OK.
  13. Hit the delete key twice.
  14. From the bottom right corner box, click on the arrow next to Normal which will open a list and set the Blending Mode to color.
  15. Now go to Image option, select Adjustments > Hue/Saturation. This will open a Hue/Saturation box. Click on the check-box for Colorize and Preview. Here you can change the setting of Hue, Saturation and Lightness, to obtain the color you desire.
  16. Play with the variety of colors like blue, green, black, and many more. Select the one you like and press OK.
  17. Viola, now you know how to change eye color in photoshop. Read more about adobe photoshop.
Changing eye color in photoshop is not so tough once you know how to use the software. Once you have the basics clear, you can upgrade any picture and make the alterations. Now that you know how to change eye color in photoshop, why not enrich your old pictures and make them look like new.
By Sheetal Mandora
Published: 2/2/2010

Friday, July 22, 2011

How to Install a New Motherboard

Two important factors that you need to take care of, before starting your installation process are:
  • Check whether your CPU is compatible to your motherboard
  • Check whether your cabinet is of the right size for your motherboard.
Once you verify the factors mentioned above; you are ready to start off with the assembly process.

I/O Core Shield
Let us start with the I/O core shield. First, we need to verify that the I/O core shield that has come along with the cabinet, is compatible with the I/O ports' socket of the motherboard. Motherboards that are available in the market, generally have new features, like an integrated game and integrated sound ports. So, it is probable the I/O shield of your cabinet may not match with the I/O ports' socket, that has come along with your motherboard. The motherboards that are manufactured nowadays, generally come along with an I/O shield. So, simply discard the I/O shield, that has come along with your cabinet, and fix the new I/O shield in the case. Be sure not to put any unnecessary force on the I/O shield, when pushing it into the cabinet. This may cause your I/O shield to be out of shape and it may never fit in properly into the cabinet.

Once you are done with the I/O shield, the next important step is installing your processor into the motherboard. This is a relatively simple task, but since the processor is a very delicate object, it needs to be handled with care. The processor socket in the motherboard is very easily identifiable. It generally comes along with a small plastic arm on its side. All that you need to do, is to simply pull up the plastic arm and open the socket grip. Now, check your processor. The processor will have a good number of pins below it, but one corner of the processor will generally have no pins. It is generally marked with a triangular symbol. Match the processor with its socket and place it into the socket. It will simply fit into its place. Now, lock the socket by pulling down the plastic arm.

The next step is fitting in the motherboard to your cabinet. The cabinets manufactured by various vendors normally come along with screw positions that match the screw positions of the motherboard. Mount the motherboard into the cabinet, aligning it properly to the I/O socket shield. Once the motherboard is mounted after proper alignment, simply start with the screwing process. The cabinet, as you must have noticed, comes with an SMPS and it provides power to the various components. The old motherboards like the ATX, generally have a 20-pin ATX connector, while the newer ones may come with a 2X2, 12V header and a 1X4 lead, in addition. Make the proper connections, to allow your motherboard to get the proper power supply. Refer to the motherboard's manual before proceeding along with the connection. You also need to connect the power supply switch. It is normally labeled PW-SW and on the motherboard, its appropriate connector is labeled as P-ON, PW etc. Make the proper connections. Finally, fix in the different adapters and when doing so, make it a point not to screw the adapters after fixing in each of them, rather screw in all the adapters after all the fixing is done. Keep referring the instruction manuals of the different adapters and the motherboard before fixing them in.

Assembling all the hardware components in a CPU cabinet is not a difficult task. All you need to do is handle each component with care. Fixing up the RAM and the hard disks are the post-assembly tasks, that can be very easily done. You just need to ensure that you have connected the power supply cables and data connectors to the right places.
By Shah Newaz Alam

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Why are Keyboard Keys not in Alphabetical Order?

Reason Why Keyboard Keys are not in Alphabetical Order

To understand the logic behind the present arrangement of letters on the keyboard, the QWERTY arrangement, we have to go back (albeit for a while!) to the later part of the 19th century, when typewriters were the norm and the invention of the computer was almost half a century away.

The typewriter was a simple device invented by C.L. Sholes in the year 1873. The typewriter had metal bars known as type bars and each type bar had the mirror image of one letter or character on its end. These type bars were arranged such that all the letters appeared from A to Z. Typists found it easy to look for the letters on the keyboard and hence began to type very fast. But there was a problem with this 'normal' arrangement of letters. Rapid typing made the adjacent type bars stick to each other and this called for additional efforts from the typist, who had to manually separate them before resuming work. This problem was more often observed for adjacent keys that were frequently used together.

To counter this problem, Sholes made a list of all frequently appearing combination of letters in the English language and after studying them, came up with a new layout. The objective of this layout was to place these letters far apart on the keyboard thus preventing the type bars from getting entangled. However, some people are of the opinion that the objective of developing the QWERTY keypad was merely to disturb the alphabetical sequence of letters so that the typists took a longer time to look for each letter, slowing down the speed of typing, in the process. A lesser speed meant less chances of the adjacent type bars getting jammed!

With the arrival of the computer in the 1940s, typewriters were fast replaced by these new advanced machines that promised to make things easier than before. However, there was one dilemma: the people operating typewriters in offices were the same people who were to now operate computers. The situation demanded that they be trained to operate the new machine but training so many people was not considered worth the money spent. So, the computer keyboards came with a layout that was similar to what was already on the typewriters and this continues even today, as the QWERTY layout has become the industry standard.

Quick QWERTY Facts!

Before I sign off, I'll share with you some interesting facts about the preferred keyboard layout of our times, the quirky QWERTY!
  • You can still find traces of the original A to Z keyboard in the QWERTY. Just look in the middle row where you'll find the letters 'DFGHJKL' in alphabetical order except for the vowels 'E' and 'I'.
  • Eight keys of the middle row of the keyboard constitute the 'home row': the keys on which you need to place your eight fingers to learn how to type faster by the process of touch typing.
  • The QWERTY keypad is more beneficial for those who primarily use their left hand for typing as the layout is such that more words can be typed using the letters on the left side.
  • Interestingly, you'll find all the letters of the word 'typewriter' in the first row of the keyboard!
Thus, we see that it is the typewriter that is to blame for the difficulty in typing that we face today. However, people have more or less grown used to the layout and it is fast replacing the traditional keypad in cellphones as well.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Connect Two Computers Together

If you are wondering how to connect two computers together to share data, this article will show you how. Networking between two computers makes sharing of resources easier. Read and understand how you can connect two computers together in simple steps.

How to Connect Two Computers Together With Ethernet Cable?
One of the simplest ways to connect two computers together is with the use of ethernet cable. For this networking method to work, you need to have a network card installed on both the computers. These networking cards are placed in the PCI slots of the computer. The network card provides an ethernet port to the computer, which provides a facility to connect it with other computers.

So to connect two computers together using an ethernet cable, make sure that both computers have a networking card and if they do not, then buy them and get them installed. Choose a network card which provides high data transfer rate. Buy an ethernet cable. Plug one end of that cable into the ethernet port of the first computer and plug the other end into the ethernet port of another computer. Make sure that you connect the ethernet cable properly into the ethernet port and hear it clicking into place on both sides.

Next, you must switch on the two computers and go to the network settings. I am assuming that you have a windows operating system installed. In case you have any other operating system, run its equivalent network set up utility program. Create a network using the 'set up advanced network' option by logging in as the administrator. Make sure that you don't forget to specify that you are creating this network without a router and directly connecting computers. Name the computer you have logged in as the 'host' while the other computer as the 'guest' and do the same on the other one.

If you are asked to create a network set up disk then create one and run it on the other computer to transfer the network settings. Turn file sharing 'on', when given a choice. Click on properties of drives or folders and enable sharing on network. That should do the trick and enable your two-computer network. Read more on home computer networking tips.

How to Connect Two Computers Together With USB Cable?
You can connect two computers together by another method, which is by using a USB cable. Here is what you need to do. First you need to install the driver software for the USB cable. Insert the installation CD in the drive of one computer and finish the driver installation. Choose 'Link Mode' in the installation process which enables you to transfer files between the two computers. If you choose the 'network mode', it will connect the computer on a network. Repeat the procedure of driver installation on the second PC. Then connect each end of the USB cable to the USB ports of each computer. With that done, your computers are linked for data transfer. 

Friday, July 15, 2011

How to Draw Graffiti in Photoshop

Creating Graffiti in Photoshop
> Graffiti effect

Adobe Photoshop is a photo editing software that most of us are at least slightly familiar with. Most popularly this editing software is used to retouch photographs that are printed in magazines and print ads. But, it is completely possible to use Photoshop to draw graffiti. The software has several painting and drawing tools which in combination can be used to create different graphics. Creating graffiti in Photoshop is not very difficult and once you have decided on which graffiti style you want to recreate, you can easily do so.
  • First and foremost, you will need to choose the background image that you will be working with. You can either choose an image that is already present on your computer or upload an image that you have clicked. We suggest that you use an image with a brick like texture as it seems more authentic.
  • The next step in the process of creating graffiti is to open a new file on Photoshop. To do this, open the software and select the option for File and then click on New to open a new file. You can also import the image that you have uploaded for the background.
  • If you are creating a new file, then you will need to specify the width and height of the image. Remember to set the mode of the image to RGB and the option for Content to White. Once you have selected all the the right options, you can click on OK.
  • Next, you will start with the process of creating the graffiti. You will need to click on the icon for New Layer in the Layers palette. This palette appears on the right side of the screen. Always remember to rename the layers that you open so as to make it easier for you to navigate.
  • Next, go to the Tools palette on the left hand side of the screen and choose the Pencil tool. The Pencil tool and the Paintbrush tool are interchangeable so if you cannot find one, then just click on the visible tool and choose the tool that you want.
  • Once you have chosen the Pencil tool, you will need to choose the exact option that you want for the texture of the lettering. We suggest using a splatter brush that will make the graffiti look like it has been spray painted.
  • Next, you need to actually write the text that you want for the graffiti. Click on the option for Color Picker, choose a color and then click on OK. You will need to click on the layers palette and drag the mouse so that you can type in the phrase that you want.
  • Now, open a new layer in the palette and rename the same. Choose a different color and a different brush to make another graffiti design so that you can see the difference that is created by color and brush.
  • Once you have made a design that you are pleased with, you can save the file.
This is just one of the methods that you can use to create a graffiti like image in Photoshop. While selecting a font for the graffiti text, remember to always use a font type that matches the style of graffiti. Learning how to draw graffiti in Photoshop is easy and as you become more familiar and proficient with the software, you will get better at the creating artwork using it. By

Thursday, July 14, 2011

How Does the World Wide Web Work

How does the World Wide Web Work

Asking how the Internet works is not the same as asking how the world wide web works. Well, Internet and the World Wide Web are not one and the same, although they are often used as synonyms. While the Internet is an infrastructure providing interconnectivity between network computers, the web is one of the services of the Internet. It is a collection of documents that can be shared across Internet-enabled computers.

The network of web servers serves as the backbone of the World Wide Web. The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is used to gain access to the web. A web browser makes a request for a particular web page to the web server, which in turn responds with the requested web page and its contents. It then displays the web page as rendered by HTML or other web languages used by the page. Each resource on the web is identified by a globally unique identifier (URI). Each web page has a unique address, with the help of which a browser accesses it. With the help of the domain name system, a hierarchical naming system for computers and resources participating in the Internet, the URL is resolved into an IP address.

Presence of hyperlinks, the worldwide availability of content and universal readership are some of the striking features of the World Wide Web. The interlinked hypertext documents form a web of information. Hyperlinks present on web pages allow the web users to choose their paths of traversal across information on the web. They provide an efficient cross-referencing system and create a non-linear form of text. Moreover, they create a different reading experience. The information on the web is available 24/7 across the globe. It is updated in real time and made accessible to web users around the world. Except for certain websites requiring user login, all the other websites are open to everyone. This all-time availability of information has made the Internet, a platform for knowledge-sharing. Thanks to the use of a common HTML format for rendering web content and a common access method using the HTTP protocol, the web has achieved universal readership.